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Showing posts from July, 2017

Adding error sequence to a custom sequence

In my previous posi i explained how to call an endpoint using the call mediator. Usually when errors are thrown from the call mediator we can handle them using a custom sequence. When call mediators fails the execution stops hence handling errors is very essential. For this post I will be modifying the same sequence which i created in the blog post [1] The change which we need to do is we need to modify the sequence definition to map with the error sequence as shown below. You can find the modified sequence here . <sequence xmlns="" name="countrySequenceWithError" onError="countryErrorSequence"> <property name="uri.var.countryCode" expression="$url:countryCode"/> <property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>     <call blocking="true">         <endpoint>             <http method="get" uri-temp...

Service Chaining with WSO2 API Manager/API Cloud

Introduction In the real world we require to create use cases where we need to invoke more than one endpoint to get the response we need for the API. We may require to get the response from one endpoint and manipulate that response and send it to another. In order to demonstrate this sample let's consider the following flow. We need to design an API which returns details about a country when a country code is entered by a user. One limitation we have is the endpoint which returns the country details expects a country name to be passed. Therefore to accomplish this task we need an intermediate service which gives us the country for the given country code (Service A). After we get the country name then we can pass it to our actual backend service. (Service B) Flow of events.  User needs to input a country code  We need to pass that entered value to the service A which returns the corresponding name of the country back to us. This is the format it will return. {"country...